Client forms

Access all the forms you need to help manage your cover with NobleOak.

Representative Authority

This form is used to provide authorisation to NobleOak Life Limited to act on third party instructions in connection with the administration of your insurance cover. It does not extend to changing benefits or nominated beneficiaries.

Nomination of Beneficiary

This form provides a direction by the Member to NobleOak Life Limited on how to pay any death benefits that become payable under your life insurance cover. This direction will be followed by NobleOak and may be cancelled by the Member in writing.

Declaration of Continued Good Health

This form is used to advise us of any changes to your health, occupation or lifestyle activities since your application was submitted and can be used to revise the current terms of your cover or reinstate an existing application.

Non-Smoker Statement

This form is used to advise NobleOak Life Limited of changes to your smoking status. Note, that this may only be used once you have not used or consumed tobacco or any other substance or used nicotine replacement products within the last 12 months.

Payment Forms – Personal

This form is used to provide authorisation to NobleOak Life Limited to debit your nominated Bank Account for payments of the premiums of your cover.

Payment Forms – SMSF

This form is used to provide authorisation to NobleOak Life Limited to debit your SMSF nominated Bank Account for payments of the premiums of your cover.

Application for Reinstatement

This form is used to apply to reinstate cover in circumstance when a customers cover has lapsed.

Consent for Accessing Health Information

This form is used to collect consent from the customer so that NobleOak can access health information necessary to the process of providing cover.

Cancellation Request

This form is used to formally request cancellation of your NobleOak insurance cover.

New Customer Enquiry Form
Existing Client Enquiry Form
Claims Support Form
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