Existing Customer FAQs
Common questions for existing customers.

The easiest way to change any of your details is to update them on the NobleOak client portal. If you haven’t registered on the portal yet, simply visit the portal and click Register now. In the portal you can review your contact details, your cover, your premiums and your nominated beneficiaries. You can also update your payment information.
Alternatively, you can call or email us to update your contact details on your behalf. Call us on 1300 551 044 or email us at [email protected].
Please note: the client portal is not currently available for customers who hold their cover in their Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF).
If you are the policy owner and pay the premiums, only you can authorise these changes. This can be completed by calling us or by going onto the client portal. If your partner or someone else pays the premiums, such as through their bank account or credit card, we’ll need their authority as well. If you have a joint account where both account holders need to sign for transactions, we’ll need both account holders to authorise the change.
If you would like to change your level of cover, please call or email us.
- To decrease your cover, you will not need to go through underwriting.
- To increase your cover, you may be required to complete a new application and go through the full underwriting process for the increase amount, or you may be able to use our Future Increases Benefit feature to increase your Sum Insured. This depends on your circumstances. Please refer to the PDS to find out more details on this feature and the full list of allowable events to enable you to unlock this feature.
If you would like to discuss the options around changing your level of cover, call or email us and we can help.
As the policy owner, you can authorise another person – such as your spouse, partner, next of kin, lawyer or Power of Attorney holder – to access your details by notifying us in writing. If you would like someone to also have authority to change details on your policy or give instructions on your behalf, please fill in a Representative Authority Form and send it to [email protected]. Please sign and date your request.
If you want to add, remove or change the details of the beneficiaries, please contact us. For privacy and security reasons, any beneficiary changes you wish to make must be requested in writing, signed and dated, and made to us via email, or post.
We’ll need the full name and date of birth of the beneficiary, and their relationship to you (the life insured). In the case of you having more than one beneficiary, the designated benefits for each must add up to 100% of the total benefit.
If you are nominating your beneficiaries for the first time, the easiest way is to fill in the Nomination of Beneficiary form and send it to us – again, don’t forget to sign and date it in the relevant section at the end of the form.
It is a good idea to do this regularly – any change in your circumstances or life stage may mean you may want to increase or decrease your amount of cover. We can help. Call us and we can talk you through your options.
Our life insurance products offer Variable Age Stepped Premiums (sometimes known as Stepped Premiums) – which means they generally increase each year with your age.
The rationale behind this is as people age, the likelihood of that person making a claim increases, due to factors such as declining health or increased mortality risk. To account for this higher risk, the premiums increase as you get older. This means that when people purchase life insurance and continue to hold it over time, their cover is more personalised to their life stage and level of risk. This framework is commonly used across the life insurance industry in Australia.
We increase your Sum Insured at each anniversary of your cover to guard against inflation with most of our products. The increase applies automatically and is the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) . For Income Protection your sum insured as indexed at CPI or 3%, whichever is less. This does not apply to Business Expenses cover. Your premium will automatically adjust to reflect the increase in cover. You do have the option to stop the indexation of your cover if you prefer, in which case any rise in your premium will only be due to your increasing age. You can refuse each year’s increase or cancel these automatic increases by letting us know in writing. If you decline 3 consecutive increases, we won’t make any further increases.
We are here to help. We have a number of flexible support options that we can discuss with you. If you are experiencing financial hardship, we may be able to waive your premiums for up to a maximum of 3 consecutive months, keeping your insurance cover in place at a difficult time. You may need to provide supporting documentation to assist with your financial hardship application. We have a dedicated team to support you and take you through this over the phone. Call us on 1300 551 044 and ask to speak to the Financial Hardship team.
We take your rights, data security and privacy seriously. We have strict controls in place at NobleOak. All employees undergo privacy and security training, and our databases are stored locally and securely in Australia.
We have a few processes in place which affect what you need to do when discussing your cover or making any changes so we can ensure your data is kept secure. Only the owner of the NobleOak insurance policy has the authority to seek information about or request changes to your benefits or cover so therefore if you call us, we’ll need to confirm your identity and authority before providing information or processing your change. For your security, our calls are recorded as evidence of the details supplied and the changes requested. Make sure you contact us from the email address you have provided on file, otherwise we will need further verification from you.
If this isn’t possible, just give us a call. All changes will be confirmed in writing to the policy owner once completed. The good news is you can authorise another person to access your details. All the details on how to do this are covered in the FAQ ‘Can I give another person authority to access my policy details?’
Please also refer to our Privacy Policy for further details about how we handle your personal and sensitive information.
While we can’t provide personal or taxation advice, Life Insurance premiums are generally not tax-deductible. However, there can be tax advantages when arranging Life and TPD insurance within an SMSF. Income Protection premiums are usually tax deductible, and claims paid are assessable as income. As everyone’s situation is different, please speak to your accountant or adviser about your circumstances to confirm your tax situation.
Our claims page provides more information on the process. Rest assured, you will be supported by an Australian based claims case manager throughout. They will guide you through the documents you will need to supply so we can process your claim. We asked a number of health, occupation and lifestyle questions upfront when you first applied for your cover that allowed us to properly assess the risks we’re taking to insure you, and to tailor the cost of cover to you as an individual. While taking longer than obtaining cover that is not underwritten, this process means you will likely have greater certainty when it comes time to make a claim. As long as your disclosures are accurate and complete when you apply, you can rest assured that any future claim will be paid in accordance with the terms of the relevant Product Disclosure Statement.
NobleOak aims to review and pay all claims quickly and efficiently, when you meet the eligibility requirements, once payments are approved, claims payments are processed within two business days on average. NobleOak accepted 98.8% of Life Cover claims in 2023-2024.*
*As reported by MoneySmart.gov.au sourced from ASIC from 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024. Full table can be accessed at Life insurance claims comparison tool – Moneysmart.gov.au
If you’d like to talk to us about your options to manage the costs of your cover, simply give us a call. There are many options we can provide to help you to manage affordability which you may wish to explore before cancelling your cover. You can also find more information in the PDS in the section called Managing your cover over time.
If you decide to cancel your NobleOak insurance cover, please call or email us. Alternatively, you can email us using this form. Don’t forget to include your policy number and reason for cancellation. Once you cancel your cover and do not pay your premium, you are not covered – this means if something happens to you, you will not be eligible to claim. If any refund is owed, the refund will be calculated based on the unused portion of your premium. Please note that the refund may take up to 14 days to process.
We increase your Sum Insured at each anniversary of your cover to guard against inflation with most of our products. The increase applies automatically and is the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) . For Income Protection your sum insured as indexed at CPI or 3%, whichever is less. This does not apply to Business Expenses cover.
Your premium will automatically adjust to reflect the increase in cover. You can refuse each year’s increase or cancel these automatic increases by letting us know. Please call or email us at [email protected] you decline 3 consecutive increases, we won’t make any further increases. There will be an increase in premium due to the indexed Sum Insured each year. You can choose to cancel the indexation on your cover at any time.
If you would like to add a third-party authority to your NobleOak Insurance plan, for instance to give your financial adviser or spouse the authority to give instructions to us on your behalf, simply write a signed and dated request to that effect.
We can accept this request via:
- email at [email protected]
- fax on 02 9299 7852
- post to Client Services, NobleOak, GPO BOX 4793 Sydney NSW 2001
If you have a financial adviser and have set them up on your NobleOak insurance policy you can remove them at any time. All you need to do is write to us to action this including your adviser’s name and your policy number. Email us at [email protected].
We’d love to assist you. If you are considering taking out additional cover, call us for a quote and we can go through your options.
Your partner or family member can call us for a quote, mentioning that you already hold cover with NobleOak and we’ll talk them through the application and underwriting process. If you purchased insurance from NobleOak under a special offer, please ask them to let us know and we will extend the same offer to them, if that offer hasn’t .
If you have a complaint about your NobleOak insurance policy or the service we’ve provided (including our obligations under the Life Insurance Code of Practice) please contact us to let us know your concerns. We will do all we can to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible. All complaints are handled by the NobleOak Client Care team. They will contact you within 1 business day of receiving your complaint and will aim to resolve your complaint within 5 business days and no later than 30 calendar days (subject to access to the required information).
There are several ways you can contact the Client Care team to register your complaint:
- Online: Complete the online complaint registration form at https://www.nobleoak.com.au/complaints/ and submit your complaint directly to our NobleOak Client Care Team.
- Email: Email us at [email protected]
To assist us to deal with your complaint quickly, please include the following information:
-Your name and contact details, including your daytime phone number and email address
-Details of your complaint
-Your desired outcome
- Phone: Call the NobleOak Client Care team on 1300 396 455
- Write to us: Our address is GPO Box 4793, Sydney, NSW 2001
- Please refer to our Complaints Handling Policy for more information.
If you would like your NobleOak insurance plan to be owned by your SMSF, please provide a signed and dated written request to that effect. Please note we will require the full name of your SMSF and new banking details for the nominated SMSF.
We can accept your request to change owners via:
- email at [email protected]
- fax on 02 9299 7852
- post to Client Services, NobleOak, GPO BOX 4793 Sydney NSW 2001.
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