Income Protection Insurance

Financial protection for you and your family if you suffer a sickness or injury and are unable to work.
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Help protect your loved ones with award-winning income protection insurance from NobleOak

Get a quote in under 2 minutes

Winner of the 2024 Canstar Outstanding Value Award for Income Protection

We are Australia's most awarded direct life insurer from 2019-2024

What is Income Protection?

NobleOak’s Income Protection Insurance provides a reliable safety net to help protect one of your most important assets – your ability to earn an income – if the unexpected occurs and you suffer an injury or illness which prevents you from working.

If you are eligible to claim, your monthly benefit can help you to stay on top of your bills and assist with essential living expenses so you can focus on your recovery and returning to work.

You can to apply for Income Protection if you are between the ages of 18-60, and work at least 20 hours per week (only 1 or 2 year Benefit Periods are available if you are over age 55 when you apply).

Common questions you may have about income protection insurance

If you have income protection cover, and you suffer an illness or injury which results in your inability to work, after your waiting period you will receive monthly payments to replace some of your income. The maximum period for which you may receive benefits depends on the benefit period you choose.

Depending on your situation, you may also receive financial support to assist with rehabilitation and retraining services to help you get back to work.

  • The amount you pay for cover (your annual or monthly premium) will depend on a variety of individual factors based on your personal circumstances and lifestyle. These include your age, gender, occupation, whether or not you smoke and your level of cover. NobleOak will also need to understand your medical history and lifestyle (such as sports or hobbies) before we can confirm the premium you will be required to pay.
  • Once you apply, our underwriting team will assess your application, and we may need to contact you for more information if your personal situation requires any premium loadings, or exclusions for certain medical conditions.
  • The best way to get an estimate of what Income Protection cover may cost is to complete an online quote. You can get an income protection insurance quote now with NobleOak in under two minutes.

When deciding how much cover you need, you may wish to think about how much your bills and living expenses cost you each month.

Some of the questions to consider include:

  • Do you have debts such as a mortgage, a car loan or credit card instalments?
  • Do you have dependants, and associated costs such as childcare or school fees?
  • Can you supplement your income with any savings you may have and manage on a lower monthly benefit for a certain period of time, or should you opt for the maximum monthly benefit you are eligible for?

With NobleOak’s Income Protection Insurance, you can apply to insure up to 70% of your income. The minimum monthly benefit is $1,500 and the maximum monthly benefit is $30,000.

Income protection premiums are generally tax deductible. Any benefits received from NobleOak’s Income Protection Insurance are paid gross and are usually included in your assessable income. Ask your tax professional to see if this applies to you.

Income protection insurance is available to you if you are self-employed (subject to our standard underwriting assessment).

It is important to be aware that income protection insurance does not cover employment termination. If your employer terminates your employment or you are made redundant, you will not be eligible to claim on your income protection insurance.

Benefits will also not be payable by us if your Sickness or Injury is a result of, or related to:

  • Normal and uncomplicated pregnancy, miscarriage or childbirth;
  • Your participation in criminal activity or your incarceration;
  • Self-inflicted injury or attempted suicide (for the first 13 months of cover);
  • A permanent or temporary banning, deregistration, disqualification or restriction being placed on you from performing all or some of the duties of your Regular Occupation;
  • War or an act of war;
  • Any Sickness or Injury that occurred before your insurance commencement date, unless clearly disclosed to and accepted by NobleOak.

The full list of exclusions and limitations for NobleOak’s Income Protection cover can also be found on page 48 of the NobleOak Premium Life Direct PDS.

What's included in our income protection insurance?

Helping with Rehabilitation Expenses

If you are receiving monthly benefit payments, we may also provide additional financial support to assist with rehabilitation program expenses that are recommended by a treating medical practitioner.

Choose your Waiting Period

A waiting period is the number of days from the date that you become unable to work (certified by a Medical Practitioner) before you become eligible to claim. Choose from a waiting period of either 30, 60, 90 or 730 days.

Choose Your Benefit Period

Your benefit period is the maximum length of time that you can receive monthly payments whilst on claim. Choose from 1, 2 5 or 10 years, or to age 65. Your policy will generally be less expensive if you choose a shorter benefit period but you should consider your objectives, financial situation and needs.

Whilst on claim with NobleOak, you will have access to a dedicated Australian based claims consultant who will work with you to help you return to work.

You may also be entitled to a Recovery at Work Benefit, which provides for payment of up to 12 times your monthly benefit towards the costs of special equipment or support to assist you back to work.

If you are unable to return to your regular occupation, we may support your re-training costs to help you


If you become unemployed or need to take extended leave from employment because of full time study, maternity/paternity leave or compassionate leave you can ask us to pause your income protection premiums for up to 12 months. The premium pause is available once your cover has been in place for more than 24 months. When you pause your premium, your cover is also suspended so you would not be eligible to make a claim during this period.

After receiving a benefit for Total or Partial Disablement for 12 consecutive months, your monthly benefit will automatically increase each year in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI). When payments cease, the benefit will revert to the monthly benefit shown on your benefit notice at the time of your claim.

You may receive a reduced benefit if you return to work in a reduced capacity but are unable to work more than 32 hours per week. You will need to be following the advice of a medical practitioner and agreed rehabilitation plan and working to your full medical capacity.

If you return to work for less than six months after receiving your most recent Total Disablement or Partial Disablement benefit and suffer a recurrence from the same or related cause, the claim will be treated as a continuation of the original claim so no new waiting period will apply.

Above is a summary of only some of the features and benefits available through NobleOak’s Income Protection cover. To find out more, read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) which sets out the standard terms, conditions, limits, definitions, exclusions, waiting periods, exclusion periods and information about taking a combination of cover. Policies, terms and conditions vary between insurance providers so always read the PDS and compare covers before you apply for income protection to consider what is right for you.

How much income protection insurance can I apply for?

Why choose NobleOak Income Protection?

Australia's most awarded direct life insurer six years running (2019 - 2024)

Our outstanding value life insurance products and personal service has resulted in us being the most awarded Direct Life Insurer for the past six years
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To get started, get a income protection quote or give us a call.

Get a no-obligation quote online, or with one of our friendly representatives.

Afterwards, apply online or over the phone.

Apply online or over the phone. It is likely you will be able to apply online, however applicants with selected occupations will be required to have a chat with one of our team representatives.

In some cases, you might be required to undertake medical tests which NobleOak will pay for.

In some instances, depending on your answers to the health and lifestyle questions we ask during the application process, we may require you to undertake medical tests. If a doctor’s report or blood test is required, we will arrange this at our cost.

You are protected!

If accepted, your policy will be in place straight away.

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