The Druids, Financial Services, and Integrity at the Heart of NobleOak
Most people probably know very little about the ancient Druids. They would also not know what the Druids have in common with life insurance which surprisingly is quite a lot. With the recent Royal Commission findings exposing some examples of very poor corporate culture, it’s timely for us to re-visit the fundamental foundations of NobleOak, including the principles which bind us and which we live by.
Who are the ancient Druids?
The NSW Ancient Order of Druids was formed over 140 years ago and NobleOak arose from this heritage.
The name “Druids” refers to the ancient Druids from Britain, France (previously Gaul) and Ireland who, from around 1,000 BC, were an educated community of philosophers, teachers and judges. The Druids were peaceful and spiritual people however they are often depicted in books to look a bit like sorcerers (ie Gandalf from Harry Potter), with long robes and beards.
Druidism died out around 1,000 AD, although the records are not clear, and is believed to have been replaced by religions, such as Christianity.
Druids rebirth
Druidism reignited again in the 1800’s when the Ancient Order of Druids (AOD) was founded in London, England in 1781 and it still operates to this day. The AOD is guided by the principles of justice, benevolence and friendship, in the spirit to the original ancient Druids. “Integrity” underpins the Ancient Order of Druids of which Winston Churchill was once a member.
The NSW Ancient Order of Druids was established shortly after 1781 and in 1861 it became one of Australia’s earliest Life insurers.
Druidry’s growth lies in its broad appeal which some treat as a philosophy, others as a religion, and still others as a path of self-development.
Druids to NobleOak
NobleOak changed its name from “The NSW Ancient Order of Druids” to “NobleOak Life Ltd” in 2011 and we continue to operate within the spirit of the original principles of the Ancient Order of Druids, with a genuine desire to provide high quality protection to our clients and their families.
Most importantly, “Integrity” continues to be at the heart of our business.
Our Values
Today, the NobleOak staff live by our primary stated values of:
- Nobility – We put our clients first at all times, and we always offer genuine value. We’re here to protect Australians with better cover.
- Simplicity – We use simple, clear communication at all times and avoid jargon. We aim to make getting Life Insurance easier and ensure our clients know what they are covered for.
- Adaptability – We continually drive, and respond to, positive change to ensure our clients get the best service and products.
- Delivery – We deliver results, not excuses. This includes both to our clients and to each other. When we say we are going to do something, we do it.
In our ever changing and modern world, where trust sometimes can be lacking, the ancient and basic values of druidism appear to be even more relevant than ever.
NobleOak’s stated values stand as proof certain of this relevance.
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