
Kids Colouring Competition Winners

19 Dec 2023

Life Insurance by Life Stage

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In October/November we ran a Kids Colouring Competition, where entrants had the choice of two colouring in sheets, one with our Nobleman’s castle and the other with a forest of NobleOak trees. We were blown away by the responses and we’ve discovered some seriously impressive young artists in our midst. The imagination displayed in the entries was really great to see and made it difficult for us to choose the winners.
We also want to express our gratitude to the parents and guardians who supported their young artists in the competition.

Our winners of the Castle colouring in sheet are Hannah, aged 5 and Sithuki, aged 9. And taking home the prizes for the Trees colouring in sheet are Lucian aged 6 and Kaden aged 9.

Take a look at their fabulous entries below.

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