Is technology changing Life Insurance? You bet it is.

The internet is changing the way Life Insurance is researched and bought in Australia, and these research findings prove it. A year ago NobleOak commissioned a study to find out what impact technology was having on the Life Insurance industry. The study highlighted the significant role the internet now plays in helping Australians research and … Continued

Why Mums Deserve To Be Spoilt On Mother’s Day

Being a mum is a most important role, and unlike most careers, it’s a 24/7 job. So making mums feel special with a little extra love and attention on Mother’s Day is a lovely way to say thanks. While this might mean a little gift, it should definitely mean doing no housework on the day, … Continued

Shark Attacks, Plane Crashes – Risk vs Reality

In NobleOak’s recent survey, we asked over 1,000 Australian adults to rate their greatest fears. We then compared the results to the actual likelihood of occurrence based on published statistics from a number of sources. The results showed that out of 11 traumatic events listed, the top four that people believed were most likely to … Continued

Insurance Consumer Behaviour: Why Consumers are Going Direct for Life Insurance

The trend for consumers to research and purchase financial services products online is spreading quickly to Life insurance – according to a new NobleOak whitepaper just launched. NobleOak has just released ‘Life Insurance in Australia – Consumer Behaviour Transformation’ which includes the results from a comprehensive research study conducted in December 2016 by independent research … Continued

Turning 60 And Unsure If You Still Need Life Insurance?

For many reasons the need for Life insurance is realised progressively as we move through various life stages. For some, the need for Life insurance is more apparent in their 30s and 40s when achieving milestones such as buying a house or starting a family prompts them to consider how to provide ongoing financial protection … Continued

4 Reasons Life Insurance and SMSFs Work Better Together

As from July 2013, it became required by law for all SMSF Trustees to ensure Life insurance is available for all members of their fund. This includes consideration through regular reviews (at least annually) of the fund’s overall investment strategy and also, highlighting the relevance and importance of having Life insurance under superannuation, even though … Continued

The Real Cost Of Your Children’s Education

As the old adage goes, nothing in life is certain other than death and taxes. Perhaps a third truism could be added on to this list – that raising children is expensive. Nowhere else is the true financial impact of having children more obvious than in the cost of their education. According to the Australian … Continued

Fully Underwritten Life Insurance: Don’t Settle for Anything Less

Before taking out Life or Income Protection insurance, you will naturally want to know how the cover compares to other products available. It can be difficult obtaining objective cost effective advice in relation to Life insurance. In addition, most online comparison tools only compare price and there isn’t much about product features, let alone claims … Continued

7 Life Insurance Myths That Need To Be Debunked

1. Only the family breadwinner needs Life insurance coverage It’s very easy to assume this view, however the financial costs associated with all Home Duties based partners are far higher than you think. The costs of day care, child minding services for out of school hours, home cleaning, meal preparation and even transporting the children … Continued

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